Wednesday, July 15, 2009

8 Can I hire a lawyer to just handle certain parts of my legal matter?

Yes, in some cases. Limited representation —
hiring an attorney who will assist you at particula
stages of your case — may be appropriate for you
Whether it is a good option in your case could
depend on the complexity of your legal matter
and your financial situation. Generally, limited
representation involves less cost.
While some attorneys will not work solely
on portions of a case, others will agree to provide
limited representation. These attorneys may be
referred to as consulting attorneys, coaches or
providers of unbundled legal services. Such attor-
neys do not take on the full responsibility for
overseeing or handling your case. The limits of
the representation are set by agreement. If you
choose such representation, make sure youunderstand the extent of the attorney’s services.
Such services might include, for example, assis-
tance with a negotiation strategy, representation
at a particular court hearing or the attorney’s
“sign-off” on any legal agreement.
Another alternative would be to hire a
collaborative attorney. In this process, those on both
sides of the case and their collaborative attorneys
meet to work out their differences through an out-
of-court process. If the dispute is not settled, howev-
er, those involved would have to hire new attorneys
if they want legal help in preparing for a trial.

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